If you are preparing NEET Exam 2021 then check important questions for NEET Exam 2021. Correct answers are also provided here.
- Respirtory quotient is not less than one in :
a. Carbohydrates
b. Protein
c. Fats
d.Normal diet
ANS- b. Protein
2. Which of these is a world famous palaeobotanist :
a. Prof. S.R. Kashyap
b. Dr. J.C. Bose
c. Prof. Birbal Sahni
d. Prof. K.C. Mehta
ANS- c. Prof. Birbal Sahni
3.” Henle’s loop ” is found in :
a. Lungs
b. Heart
c. Liver
Ans- d. Kidneys
4. Plasmids are :
a. Essential genetic material of bacterium
b. Extra- Chromosomal genetic material of bacterium
c. Proteinaceous part of virus
d.Nuclear part of virus
ANS-Extra- Chromosomal genetic material of bacterium
5. The fish used for control of malaria is :
a. Rohu
b. Gambusia
c.Both a b
d. None of these
ANS- Gambusia
6. Basis of lamarkism is :
a. Natural selection
b. Matation
c. Variations
d. Inheritance of acquired charaters
ANS- Inheritance of acquired charaters
7. Respirtory quotient is not less than one in :
a. Carbohydrates
b. Protein
c. Fats
d. Normal diet
ANS- Protein
8. Chloroplast membrane is :
a. Single layered
b. Doubled layered
c. Multiple layered
d. Compound structure
ANS- b Doubled layered
9. Lichense are good indicator of:
a. Water pollution
b. Air pollution
c. Noise pollution
d. All of these
ANS- b. Air pollution
10. V shaped chromosomes are :
a. Metacentric
b. Sub metacentric
c. Acrocentric
d. None of these
ANS- Metacentric
11. The Primary source of energy in an ecosystem is :
a. Sunlight
b. Glucose
c. Protein
d. A.T.P.
ANS- Sunlight
12. Bacteria with a tuft of flagella at one end are called as :
a. Lophotrichous
b. Amphitrichous
c. Cephalotrichous
d. Peritrichous
ANS- Lophotrichous
13.The loss of water from plants, in the form of vapour is called as :
a. Guttation
c. Transpiration
d. none of these
ANS- Transpiration
14. White rust[ disease is caused by:
a. Ascobolus
b. Rhizopus
c. Albugo
d. Puccinea
ANS- Albugo
15.In Which of the following the stem is divided into nodes and internodes :
a. Lycopodium
b. Selaginell
c. Equisetum
d. None of these
ANS- Equisetum
16. The family leguninosae is economically inportant as its member produce :
a. Cereals
b. Oils
c. Fibers
d. Pulses
ANS- Pulses
17. System controlling the involuntary actions or internal organs is :
a. Cerebrospinal
b. Parasympathetic
c. Autonomic
d. Peripheral
ANS- Autonomic
18. When a virus attak the bacterium the material that enters the host cell is :
a. Protein
b. Nucleic acid
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these
ANS- Nucleic acid
19.Which one of the folowing is an edible fungus :
a. Agaricus
b. Ascobolus
c. Albugo
d. Pythium
ANS- Agaricus
20. Common name of Fungia is :
a. Mushroom coral
b. Red coral
c. Brain coral
d. Organ pine coral
ANS- Mushroom coral
21. Cup shaped chloroplast is found in :
a. Spirogyra
b. Chlamydomonas
c. Oedogonium
d. Ectocarpus
ANS- Chlamydomonas
22. Pheumatophores are special type of modified root which help in :
b. Storage of food
c. Transpiration
d. None of these
ANS- Respiration
23. The membranous labyrinth contains a fluid called
a. Perilymph
b. Haemolyph
c. Lymph
d. Endolymph
ANS- Endolymph
24. Petrification,s Impression and Compression are types of-
a. Fossils
b. Bacteria
c. Spores
d. Virus
ANS- Fossils
25. Carbon monoxide is harmful to human beings as it is :
a. Carcinogenic
b. Antagonistic to co2
c. With higher affinity for haemoglobin as compared to oxygen
d. Destructive to o3 ( Ozene)
ANS- With higher affinity for haemoglobin as compared to oxygen
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